Second Trip Update

Felicity Llanos


Hello to whoever is reading this!
It's so strange that I have been in Japan for about a week now. Honestly, it has been such an adventure so far! I have gotten to make a few friends, build community (as much as possible in a week), explore a bit, practice the little Japanese I know, attend a few church services, etc. Everything has come with new challenges and exciting things too! I look forward to new adventures every day, and can't wait to see everything that God has in store for this trip! 
In terms of prayer requests, please be praying for God to continue the incredible work He has been doing in Japan through all of the missionaries who are already here and through those who have yet to come. Please pray for Brit, a missionary here, to be able to have a continued smooth move-in process. Please pray God uses the whole process to spread the Gospel even further. Please pray for all the churches and missionaries here, and that God would continue the work He's doing in them. Thank y'all for your support and prayers! God bless!


Felicity Llanos, Missionary

Help support Felicity Llanos as she goes to Japan to serve and spread the gospel.