Connecting sending churches
At Converge, we know that we are better together in everything we do. A team will always accomplish more than an individual. That applies to global missions work, too. To make a greater impact than it could on its own, your church can be a part of a network of churches, called a consortium, to share in the work of the Great Commission.
These networks of churches and individuals have been Spirit-led to join with Converge missionaries and global partners to undertake missionary efforts beyond the resources of any one member. Every Converge International Ministries initiative (a large missions endeavor focused on reaching a specific unreached people group or region of the world) is supported by a consortium which promotes intercessory prayer and deploys resources of all kinds. Each consortium network is led by a team of high-capacity leaders who work in close collaboration with our initiative leaders and their project teams.
Consortia are also being developed in other areas where multiple Converge churches have active ministry. When a Converge church is there, Converge is there — so we partner to support one another.
As Converge missionaries (or as we often refer to them, global workers) connect with your church and its consortium, God unleashes his people in incredibly fruitful ways: Movements of prayer begin. Church volunteers are equipped to serve, train and engage in unique ways. The Spirit unites diverse spiritual gifts beyond the ability of any single church.
Connect with a consortium of churches serving one of the following initiatives:
- Metro SenWest
- Gotel (Nigeria)
- 6 Degree (Togo/Benin)
- Hui (East Asia)
- Thailand
- Spice Islands (Indonesia)
- Japan
Europe & the Mediterranean
- Nordic-Baltic
- 15:5 West (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia)
- Great Sea (Spain, Lebanon and others)
Latin America
- Bajio
- Quechua
- Southern Cone (Argentina, Uruguay, Southern Brazil)
North America
- From Scattered to Gathered (Minneapolis/St. Paul)
- First Peoples
Watch how two consortium churches are working together to help advance the 6 Degree Initiative in Togo, Africa.

Being part of a consortium allows me to meet new church leaders from around the country as we build a network and community of churches committed to reaching people in a specific area of the world.
Daniel Warren, Trinity Baptist Church, Jacksonville, FL