The Republic of Ireland & The United Kingdom are the two least reached English-speaking nations in the world in terms of the gospel. Less than 1% of Ireland’s population of 5 million and little more than 3% of the United Kingdom’s 66 million are active followers of Christ who are meaningfully connected to a local church.
These island nations are increasingly secular with millions in communities having no gospel-centered church, having never heard the gospel message, and not personally knowing a single follower of Christ. In addition, people groups are also coming here from around the globe creating a strategic crossroads of the least reached in need of Christ.
As we lead Converge's UK & Ireland Initiative, we are asking God for a powerful gospel presence to take root and thrive in every Irish & British community so that this generation is the last to die without the opportunity to meet, know, and follow Jesus.
Our aim is to partner with British & Irish movements and leaders to advance the gospel in four key areas:
- Church Planting/Disciple Making Communities,
- Church Strengthening and Revitalization,
- Outreach to Diaspora and Least-Reached People Groups, and
- Training and Multiplication of Transformational Leaders.
Doors continue to open in these four key areas, particularly in church planting. Our team is growing but more opportunities are emerging for more global workers and for Converge churches to have an impact. Please pray for us, our team, and the people of the UK and Ireland to have the opportunity to meet, know, and follow Jesus.