Jonathan first stepped into missions work through his home church Fielder Church in Arlington, Texas. Jonathan’s missions with Fielder include two short-term visitations to New York City, a two month internship in San Diego, revisiting New York in March for a short-term trip as a colead, and finally, stepping into his calling to work in Japan as a missionary and church-planter in the long-term.
Jonathan’s heart has been broken for the people of Japan for the last three years, as it is one of the world’s largest unreached people groups. In accordance with the great commission and the call to send labors into the Lords harvest (Matthew 28:18-20 and Luke 10:2), Jonathan asks you to help send him to go where the Lord calls and invited you to join in the work of advancing the kingdom of God through giving and prayer.
Jonathan’s heart has been broken for the people of Japan for the last three years, as it is one of the world’s largest unreached people groups. In accordance with the great commission and the call to send labors into the Lords harvest (Matthew 28:18-20 and Luke 10:2), Jonathan asks you to help send him to go where the Lord calls and invited you to join in the work of advancing the kingdom of God through giving and prayer.
Tokyo, Japan //
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