The fifth project is the Vocational Training Center. The reality is that Togo and Benin are young countries where poverty is the norm. We often have disciples who would gladly relocate to another people group for the sake of propelling the gospel forward, but they don’t have the financial means to do so. In working to plant churches among unreached people groups, we need to be able to send bi-vocational church planters and teams into other locations. This vocational training school will focus on discipleship, skills, marketing, and money management.
The people & the place
The fifth project is the Vocational Training Center. The reality is that Togo and Benin are young countries where poverty is the norm. We often have disciples who would gladly relocate to another people group for the sake of propelling the gospel forward, but they don’t have the financial means to do so. In working to plant churches among unreached people groups, we need to be able to send bi-vocational church planters and teams into other locations. This vocational training school will focus on discipleship, skills, marketing, and money management.

Stories of Impact
How is an 8-year-old boy making an eternal difference in West Africa?
The Living Well
From an Iowa suburb to Togo, West Africa
Global Workers
Converge global workers are helping to start and strengthen churches together worldwide. Learn how you can become a key partner in accomplishing the mission