The Living Well
Feb 27 2021
Josh & Ashley Freeman
Converge Global Worker
Just over two years ago, Pastor Jonas led a group of believers to a village just north of Aneho. This village is home to the Watchi tribe, who are considered an unreached people group. Jonas felt led do a two day evangelism campaign.
After these two days 112 people surrendered their life to Christ!
Jonas traveled weekly to help disciple the believers and raise up church planters. A year in, a man named Kudjo went to a remote village to plant a church in an area that had none. He started seeing people come to Christ and they started a church under a tree. The problem was that this village had no clean water source. Jonas became burdened for the village and asked how we could help get them a well.
A businessman from South Carolina generously gave the full amount needed to dig a well and the digging began just over a month ago.
They hit water a couple weeks ago!
The chief was so thankful that Kudjo helped bring them a well. This will completely change the lives of everyone in the village, so to express his thanks the chief has given land and a donation to start building a church.
In a few weeks everyone in the village will come together to inaugurate this well.
Would you pray for Kudjo and everyone who will be attending this event?
This is a moment where a village will come to celebrate a well that will change the quality of their lives... but Kudjo and the other believers are going to have the opportunity to share about The Living Water.
It's a beautiful example that brings us back to the story of Jesus at the well. The same message will be preached. Though they now have this well to drink from, they will always thirst again.... but the scene couldn't be set more perfectly for the message that Jesus gave in John 4;
"Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
In just a few weeks we could see many put their faith in Christ because of the way that God is moving in this village. Now, people from the surrounding villages are asking Kudjo if someone could come plant a church in their village.
This is just the beginning of what God is going to do in this area and we have the opportunity to join in where He is already working. What a gift!
Mar 11 2021