Your local team

Meet the team that's ready to support you and your ministry.

Converge North Central team

As modeled by our Lord, strong relationships are a key to ministry and mission effectiveness. The leaders you meet, get to know and grow with will improve and empower you for greater ministry impact. Across Converge North Central, you will meet lifelong friends, engage with co-laborers and share the joys and challenges of following God’s call in your life. Connect with us today to learn more about how we can serve your church.

Dawn, Jenni, Craig, Wick, Joel & Carolyn

Converge North Central team


District Staff
  • Jonathan Dahl
    Interim Transition Team
  • Joel Nelson
    Interim Transition Team
  • Carolyn Lenz
    Executive Assistant & Office Manager
  • Dawn Pauley
    Director of Accounting
  • Jenni Pearson
    Administrative Database Assistant
  • Jon Wicklund
    Interim Regional President

Board of Stewards

Chad Anderson - Chair
Wooddale Church, Eden Prairie, MN


Heather Gilbert - Vice Chair
Calvary Church, Roseville, MN

Jared Bangs
First Baptist Church, Cook, MN

Jay Chmieleski
Eagle Brook Church, Lino Lakes, MN

Michael Grose
Quarry Community Church, Monticello, MN

David Lutz
Calvary Church, Roseville, MN

Ben McEachern
NorthRidge Fellowship, Rogers, MN

Doug Palmer
Berean Baptist Church, Burnsville, MN

Joel Ramirez
Iglesia Centro Cristiano de Minneaplis, Minneapolis, MN

Tom Tulberg
Eagle Brook Church, Lino Lakes, MN

Eric Weaver
First Baptist Church, Forest City, IA


Whether striving forward or struggling, every church needs a partner to come in and look ‘under the hood’ of their ministry. Converge helped us be better in every area to effectively bring the good news to all people.

Bill Berg, New Hope Community Church, Cambridge & Isanti, Minnesota