Missionary Discovery & Assessment
Discern your calling and spiritual, psychological and cultural fit for long-term ministry success.
Discern your fit for long-term missionary success
One of the most important steps in starting your journey as a Converge missionary is attending the Missionary Discovery & Assessment. Our goal is to help you be ready to serve God in whatever capacity he has for you. Whether you’re unsure of the call God has placed in your life, or uncertain of the location where he wants to send you, our assessment process helps you discern your spiritual, psychological and cultural fit. You’ll learn the areas you need to grow in and be equipped with tools you will take to the field.
What is the Missionary Discovery & Assessment?
The Missionary Discovery & Assessment is designed to help you explore and refine God’s calling on your life. Over a three-day period, you will be evaluated by professional assessors in 16 different areas. Qualified missionary veterans and a professional Christian psychologist will administer one-on-one interviews and lead sessions to help expose you to missionary life. You will take personality profile surveys, learn what your ministry style is and take an emotional
health screening. Intercultural inventories are also given during the assessment.
Why be assessed?
The input and recommendations received from the professional assessors can be invaluable in the pursuit of becoming a missionary. Attending the Missionary Discovery & Assessment can help you discover your strengths, areas of growth, uniqueness
and gifting to assist in developing a healthy approach to missionary life and ministry. The heart of Converge is not just to send out healthy missionaries but to care for them as well. This allows us to come alongside the local church in creating
relationships with all of our missionaries.
- Clarify God’s call to missions
- Discover your aptitude to cross-cultural life and ministry
- Discover your personality profile and ministry style
- Receive evaluation from seasoned assessors
Registering and paying
The cost to attend the Missionary Discovery & Assessment is $400 per person. The cost includes your hotel stay, all meals, transportation to and from the hotel and Converge office, plus classroom materials.
Payment is due immediately in conjunction with registering (registration instructions are given to you after you have been officially invited). For registration and payment questions, please email Jenny Bolinger.

After comparing different organizations, we made the decision to join Converge based on the leadership. I've never been around a group of more grace-filled yet driven leaders. Joining Converge was one of the best decisions we've made.
JJ Alderman, Missionary, Africa